Research & Projects
Based on deep research and clear theses for impact, we partner with outstanding researchers, policy entrepreneurs, and advocates who share our vision of making pandemics history within our lifetime.
Our approach
Our extensive analysis serves as the foundation for everything we do. Through internal studies, commissioned research, and external collaborations, we investigate action-guiding questions and scrutinize the assumptions behind our strategy.
We start from our strategic objectives and then find the right execution partners. We source these partnerships through our networks in government, industry, and civil society, evaluating them with our expert advisors. We also flexibly respond to exceptional opportunities outside our core goals, providing surge capacity for time-sensitive efforts.
We refuse to limit ourselves to the methods of traditional grantmaking and instead work with our partners to creatively pursue shared goals. Whether through commissioned research, grants, contracts, or collaborative projects, we find the most practical ways to establish strong partnerships around clear objectives. We support interventions spanning research to inform leading decision-makers, advocacy to shape national and international policy, high-level convenings, and talent development.
We strive to keep ourselves and our partners accountable to an extraordinarily high standard for impact, without burying anyone in cumbersome reporting requirements. Our monitoring and evaluations prioritize thoughtfulness over performative rigor, answering the most important questions instead of being exhaustive.
Research & Projects
*Funding provided by external partner at recommendation of Sentinel Bio